

在美國的台灣人組織「台美聯合陣線 (Taiwanese Americans United)」日(22)前發出公開信,內容描述美國總統川普的諸多政策缺失,並指出川普總統無法有效應對來自中國的威脅,也對於台灣以及整個亞太地區的安全沒有幫助,呼籲在美國的台灣人用選票將川普送出白宮,並支持民主黨的候選人拜登。


今(2020)年 11 月美國總統大選中,台美人有機會用選票阻止讓川普連任,並支持前副總統拜登及參議員賀錦麗,他們相信拜登-賀錦麗的政府能採取行動重新強化美國與友邦的關係,而非持續讓美國走向獨斷獨行的單邊主義之路。

( 圖/REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)






(圖/U.S. Department of State)


An Open Letter to the Taiwanese American Community: Securing Taiwan’s Democracy

A strong United States is crucial for a more secure and democratic Taiwan. Contrary to popular perception among the first generation in the Taiwanese American community, the Trump administration has weakened the United States’ economic, diplomatic, and moral standing in the world. This is detrimental to Taiwan’s long-term security and democracy. The authoritarian government of China continues to threaten military intervention, claim sovereignty over democratic Taiwan, and expand China’s military and economic power throughout the Asia Pacific region.

The November 2020 election is the Taiwanese American community’s opportunity to vote Trump out of office, and support the election of former Vice President Joseph Biden and Senator Kamala Harris. The Biden-Harris administration will take actions to strengthen the U.S.’s relationships with our allies rather than continue our unilateralism.

Trump has weakened the United States in the following ways:

1. Trump has weakened the U.S.’s diplomatic and military standing with our allies and gutted the State Department’s ability to act through budget cuts and the loss of senior diplomats. An ill-resourced State Department is one that will be unprepared to respond to pressing global issues, including China’s role in international organizations in interpreting and rewriting rules to exclude Taiwan.

2. Trump has weakened the U.S.’s moral authority by not explicitly condemning the Chinese government’s interference in Hong Kong and the subjugation of the Uyghur population. The weakened State Department has been unable to coordinate a multilateral response to the National Security Law, which has imposed “White Terror” in Hong Kong. What is happening in Hong Kong casts a long shadow over Taiwan’s security and democracy.

3. Trump has failed to respond adequately to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Trump administration’s lack of a coordinated plan, to quarantine, test, and contain the masses of U.S. citizens returning from infected countries, has made the U.S. the most infected country in the world. This has exacerbated the virus’ spread, weakened the U.S. economy, and led nations around the world to lose faith in the United States as a working partner.

Under the Trump administration, the United States is weaker, not stronger. The security of Taiwan and the Asia Pacific region is based on the principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution: democracy for all. Trump’s actions to isolate and weaken the United States will only endanger the entire Asia Pacific region to China’s attempts at expansionism. To strengthen the United States, secure Taiwan’s democracy for future generations, and protect Taiwan’s security, we must vote Trump out of office in November.

台美聯合陣線 (Taiwanese Americans United)是由台美大專學生會(ITASA)、第二代北美台灣婦女會(NATWA 2)共同組成,此次發起連署的為該聯合組織的成員莊騰程、賴瑀琤、羅怡婷。

在此封公開信的開頭第一段,台美聯合陣線(TAU)使用的字眼是:「相對於第一代台美人甚為盛行的想法(Contrary to popular perception among the first generation in the Taiwanese American community)」,從這段用字中,可以看出他們刻意做出兩個區分:一者是世代的區分、一者則是政治意識形態的區分。


(圖/Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

美國總統大選將於 11 月 3 日舉行,屆時將選出美國第 59 屆總統,在美中角力的脈絡之下,本次的大選結果格外重要,尤其對於台灣局勢將有莫大影響。外交策略上,大家都明白千萬不要「單邊押寶」,也就是盡可能與美國的兩大黨都保持相當程度的友好關係,確保無論是哪位候選人勝出,對於台灣的利益都能最大化。



